Finishing the 2023 ASI examination calendar on a high

Last Monday (13th November 2023) we proudly hosted the first ASI Level 2 certification exam in the UK over two sites: London and Manchester.

Examination day saw 12 UK Sommelier Academy members do a selection of written tasks in the morning, including a blind tasting and questionnaire, followed by two practical service tasks in the afternoon.

The ASI Certification 2 evaluates the proficiency of candidates to practice as a Sommelier within an international context. The certification assesses a comprehensive range of global knowledge and professional skills essential for adept sommelier performance across various settings. The examination encompasses familiarity with globally recognised brands, products, recipes, viticulture, winemaking, grape varieties, service etiquette, wine-tasting protocols, stock management, customer service, and food pairings, ensuring a well-rounded expertise in the field.

We would like to congratulate all the participants on their performance and wish them all the very best in anticipation of the results being released from the ASI.

It's a pleasure to see the ambition and passion of our members and of course to get the opportunity to meet you and to help you achieve your career qualification goals!

Thank you to the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale for creating and offering the exam, the judges who volunteered their time to make it possible for the UKSA to run the exam in two locations simultaneously; and the IWSC for their kind support of the UKSA which makes our work possible.  We would also like to give our appreciation to the Rubens at the Palace, our London examination site.

That’s a wrap for the ASI exams for 2023.  We are very much looking forward to facilitating the ASI level 1, 2, and Diploma in 2024 for UKSA members. So, if you didn’t get the opportunity to take part this year, or you are ready to progress to the next level, keep your eye out for communications from us announcing details and registrations of interest!


The low down on our training days last week and results of European selection!


Member event: November 2023 Exclusive session with renowned Sommelier trainer Soren Polonius