UKSA Southern Club next event: Hattlingley Valley Wines 25th March

Our next UKSA Southern Club event is confirmed for March 25th at the wonderful Hattingley Valley in Hampshire. 

Please do join us for an exclusive tour and tasting led by Head Winemaker Rob McCulloch and followed by a 'Sommelier's Choice' tasting of English Wines. 

Founded in 2008, Hattingley Valley is synonymous with quality English Sparkling Wine and has grown to become one of the leading wineries in the UK. Based in rural Hampshire, their wines have picked up dozens of awards over the years and their winemaking team is legendary. They boast one of the most advanced wineries in the world, whilst still being eco-friendly, and make an ever-increasing range of wines showcasing the diversity and opportunity of the English climate.

We will start with an exclusive tour lead by Head Winemaker Rob McCulloch MW. This is an AMAZING chance to pick the brains of one of the UK's top winemakers (and an MW)! and if the stars align, we'll also get to taste tank samples during the tour. This is a privilege just for the UKSA.

We'll be treated to two wines from the Hattingley range before moving on to a free-pour BYO* English Wine Tasting, allowing us to compare, contrast, and discuss the English wine scene whilst enjoying a glass or two. 

*BYO TASTING; members/attendees are asked to bring a bottle of English wine to contribute to the free-pour tasting session. These will be logged upon arrival and ready for tasting after the tour. This format allows our members to share wines they have discovered or would like to taste with a peer group, without being led by a brand or agency.

Numbers for this event are limited to 25 MAX so please do register asap to secure a place.  UKSA Members GO FREE (with £10 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT) and GUESTS TICKETS are £10

Join us for this exclusive tour, taste and network:


Venue: Hattingley Vallery Winery, Wield Rd, Lower Wield, Alresford, SO24 9RX 

Date: Tuesday 25th March 2025

Time: 12.15-3.30pm. 

(Please arrive by 12.30.

It remains your choice how long you would like to stay on for the tasting/social afterwards, however, we request that everyone who has been allocated one of the 25 places be present for the welcome and tour at the beginning.)


12:15 - 12.30 - arrival/registration

12:30 - Intro & welcome from Simon Robinson (Owner)

12:40 - Rob McCulloch MW, Head Winemaker at Hattingley will lead an exclusive tour of the winery (with the possiblity of tasting tank samples if the timing is right!) and opportunity for Q & A throughout. This is an AMAZING chance to be in the company of one of the UK’s top winemakers.

13:30 - Return to the tasting room at Hattingley for a free-pour tasting session of bottles of English wine brought by each other. Here’s your chance to introduce others to a wine which you think is under the radar and deserves more recognition.

15:30 - Tasting ends (latest) 


ASI Diploma registration is OPEN - Exam date 10 March - Registration close 6 February